Toy-Link’s main focus are brick toys, but it also features other toys, such as action figures, and trading cards. Toy-Links is the second sister site of ours we want to talk about here on RepLadies.

Brick toys are very similar to more famous brick brands we all know and love. AliExpress has been cracking down on these bricks from Lepin and King, and you can’t find them through the search function anymore. Toy-Links is the only reliable index of links. utilizes a custom made artificial intelligence to sort and rank toys. Since brick sets from all sellers contain almost exactly the same, it’s easy to compare them by price, ratings and other metrics. That way a conclusive and objective decision can be made to determine the best item. Toy-links then only gives you the best item and leaves out everything else, unless you want to see and compare yourself.

The other toys featured are from many different franchises and include action figures, board games, trading card games, plushies and more. The list of these toys from taobao is constantly growing. New posts can be found on our subreddit r/ToyLinks.

Toy links is constantly being improved and updated. Just like RepLadies and RepArchive, the site we talked about last time, dead links are eliminated, the rankings that only show you the best of the best are constantly recalculated and the integrity of data is regularly undergoing a manual check.

The site features both items from AliExpress and Taobao. For RepLadies, agent shopping is favored over direct shipping due to the advantages of quality control pictures. But for toys packed in their original box, these quality control pictures give you little insight. So in that case AliExpress is a simpler and more cost effective alternative to taobao agent shopping.


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